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Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com

Online Bible King James Version





CASE NO. 05-2003-AP-038004-AXXX-XX
CASE NO. 05-2002-MM-064964-AXXX-XX



Notification Of Felonies Pursuant To
Misprision Laws.
FS Chpt. 876.33 & 18 USCA Chpt. 1, Sect.4


Indigent, Pro Se

P.O. Box 491
Cocoa, Florida 32923-0491



1.   Foundation For Action3.
2.   Statement Of Case And Facts4.
3.   Summary7.
4.   Relief And Restitution13.
5.   Caution14.
6.   Certification And Distribution16.


The Federal and State of Florida misprision laws do not stipulate how authorities are to be notified of ongoing criminal wrongdoings.   Therefore this and previously submitted documents are fully in compliance with the State of Florida’s misprision laws as it cites serious ongoing criminal activities within the jurisdiction of the 18th Judicial Circuit Court.

Furthermore, the conspiracy laws as cited by Federal Judge John M. Walker, Jr. in United States Versus Leona Helmsley made it perfectly clear that parties involved in a conspiracy need not partake nor even be aware of all aspects of a conspiracy nor other parties involved to actively participate therein, to be a party thereto, and to be subject to consequences as a participant therein.   And the State of Florida has been a rather major participant.

Nevertheless, the RICO Laws dealing with racketeering, of which issues clearly involve, provide the State of Florida with recourse against criminal organizations involved to recoup triple damages.   Thus, the State of Florida has an avenue to recoup twice as much as this victim receives (USC Title 18, Crimes And Criminal Procedure; Part I, Crimes; Chapter 96, Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt Organizations; Section 1964, Civil Remedies).


How did David defeat Goliath?   The little man stood against a Giant.   How is it possible for anyone to defeat "the Assyrian" (International Organized Crime) robbing the citizenry while "... there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth or peeped" (Isaiah 10:5,13-14)?   Unbelievable but it has been happening!   Whereas, verses 10:16-19, 23-27 describe the destruction of "the Assyrian" while 37:33-38 also describes the destruction of the "Assyrian's army" and "King Sennacherib."   Earlier, Hezekiah laments that "... the children are come to the birth, and there is not strength to bring forth" (Isaiah 37:3).   That's obviously talking about today.

Nevertheless, GOD has a schedule and He is in command.   When He decides to lower the boom it won't be nice for those Judges allowing the State Prosecutor to grant immunity to criminals trafficking in bogus, counterfeit securities within the jurisdiction of the Court.   Meanwhile, the State uses the same Court to prosecute citizens entitled to the same immunities under the U.S. Constitution (See item 4, page 5, of "Motion To Dismiss" submitted 9 December 2002; and, "Attachment A" to "Notice Of Appeal To Chief Judge Bruce W. Jacobus Of The 18th Judicial Circuit Court In The Form Of A Motion" submitted 10 January 2003.   "Attachment A" transmitted a seven page text enclosed therewith titled "Why Protect Wall Street Thievery?").   It's really quite evil to prosecute the little guy while ignoring the big criminals and their agents.

Furthermore, the fact that the aforecited counterfeiting is practiced freely is undisputable.   Even the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) publishes periodic figures (although falsified to conceal the true extent of activities).   They call it "short selling" which constitutes selling receipts representing someone else's property, i.e. counterfeiting.

For example, if a person borrowed a $50 bill from his neighbor and then duplicated that bill a thousand or a million times claiming he would someday repurchase his counterfeited bills with legitimate dollars ... who would allow his operations to continue throughout the State of Florida and Nation?   There is no way he could repurchase his bogus receipts with legitimate bills.   That is, he has neither an intent nor ability to repurchase.   What a scam!

However, in 2003 the new head of the SEC, William H. Donaldson, is a former head of the New York Stock Exchange.   The former chief of the major counterfeiting operation on Wall Street is now the chief of police protecting the illegal operations.   Every brokerage firm in Florida including Brevard and Seminole Counties within the 18th Judicial Circuit's jurisdiction are trafficking in counterfeit securities.   This is clearly in violation of the laws of the State of Florida prohibiting thievery, counterfeiting, trafficking in counterfeit goods, fraud, grand theft, management of such operations, etc.

The ongoing theft of my wealth, home, and property at 344 Barrello Lane, Cocoa Beach, Florida wherein the State of Florida was a party has been done to falsely punish this victim and to deprive this victim of a place to work while researching illegal activities, bringing matters to light, and seeking redress of grievances.

Using the State of Florida this victim's family was destroyed by authorities fully aware of what they were doing.   The State of Florida also has been a party to the ongoing 30 years of harassment of this whistleblower and those who have helped him.   The recent attempts by the State of Florida to incarcerate this innocent whistleblower (Case Nos. 05-2002-CF-064964-AXXX-XX and 05-2002-MM-064964-AXXX-XX) have been a malicious continuation of this ongoing harassment by parties who are fully aware of what they are doing.


Scripture speaks of the evil king that this world honors and serves as Sennacherib, King of Assyria.   Today as International Organized Crime he has been ripping off National Treasuries and citizens worldwide while a great segment of his vast army is paid mainly out of the public coffers on the National, State, and Local levels.

His evil activities are very, very obvious to anyone willing to look.   Such activities couldn’t exist if public servants did their jobs instead of serving evildoers.   Therefore, the silence by public officials, religious entities, the media, etc. is amazing especially in view of the laws forbidding such activities.   Wherefore, a whistle blower pointing out ongoing evils soon finds himself a victim of Sennacherib’s great army.   Meanwhile, even Scripture cites what has been happening rather clearly in Isaiah 10:13-14; Jeremiah 5:15-17; Daniel 8:23-25; Deuteronomy 32:20-29.

Subsequently, Scripture speaks of an amazing change to take place over 1,500 years.   Therein The Firstfruits move from under the Left Hand of GOD to under the Right Hand of GOD to form the foundation of an Eternal Kingdom.   A thousand years later a Main Harvest enters the Eternal Kingdom as a lower caste and 500 years after that a Latter Harvest enters as a still lower caste.   The Tares or default package then remain as eternal servants, the bottom caste or outcastes.

As great blessings are bestowed upon those entering the Eternal Kingdom, the wrath of GOD is to come upon all not yet in the Eternal Kingdom (Deuteronomy 28:1-14 versus 28:15-68).   Thus, vengeance belongs to GOD in the end (Deuteronomy 32:35; Isaiah 31:2).   And, before the show is over, every last soul will get the message ... the sooner the better.

GOD’S schedule is such that even The Firstfruits ["... a very small remnant" (Isaiah 1:9)] are to be brought forth in three segments over the next several years with their "marriage" being consummated on the glorious Solemn Assembly 15 years into the future (i.e. 2017-2018, Spring to Spring) (Zephaniah 3:18).   Whereas, those busily serving King Sennacherib and his International Organized Crime's many corrupted practices most certainly will find themselves amongst the Tares for the next 1,000 years or more.   Meanwhile, The Firstfruits will have stood against their evildoings (Psalm 94:16) regardless of any immediate consequences (Isaiah 59:15).

This whistle blower's experiences at the hands of people in the employ of the State of Florida and others have been outlined in submissions to the Court and include:

    1. The Theft of my home and property (344 Barrello Lane, Cocoa Beach, Florida) under the false guise of tax liabilities that I did not owe when, in fact, the State and Federal Authorities were a party to the theft of approximately $5.5 million from this victim in May 1970 via the corrupted securities markets.
    2. The malicious destruction of this victim's family of a wife and eight minor children.
    3. The constant harassment of both this victim, one son who returned to help, and other parties who were harassed because of their assistance to this victim.
    4. The most recent harassment has been outlined in Brevard County Court, 18th Judicial Circuit, Case Numbers:

      downgraded to:
      and Appeal Case Number:

Item 4 above involved people paid by anonymous entities who have constantly sought to harass and harm this whistle blower and his son including blowing out windows of his occupied RV, the attempted murder of his son, attacking this 74 year old whistle blower by a drunken agent half his age who used a weapon (a stout cane) to damage his victim's left knee that took nearly 3 months to heal, whereas the State refused to prosecute that individual for felonious actions and sought to transfer blame and liability to this innocent victim by using false reports and apparently deleting affidavits submitted on behalf of the victim and the true facts, obviously malicious false reports by Brevard County Sheriff's Deputies, the false arrest of this victim who was forced to devote five months to seeking to defend himself, the obvious murder of a chief witness who due to religious beliefs would have blown the whistle on people involved, the failure of the State Prosecutor to treat this Pro Se Defendant in a just and equitable manner as she withheld all documents while flagrantly lying to Judge John M. Harris in open court that she had provided same, the State's refusal to prosecute real thieves blatantly trafficking in bogus counterfeit receipts in the county while prosecuting myriad individuals for "Mickey mouse" offences including innocent individuals while using fabricated affidavits of known alcoholics and liars including sworn false police reports which in themselves contradict their own stated testimony, the State and County Clerk have been using false parties of record to obfuscate matters and to attempt to hide the identities of true individuals involved, six judges involved over a four month period before this Pro Se Defendant's case went to trial (which it never did) avoided officially acting on this Pro Se Defendant's bonafide and timely application to the Court for relief (i.e. his Motion To Dismiss with Addendums thereto) providing sound and legal justification for immediate dismissal of charges and the matters before the Court whereas the six judges (individually and collectively) refused to oppose the State's obvious "railroad" of an innocent whistle blower, etc.

This corruption by the State of Florida, serving International Organized Crime, has utilized the Courts under the color of law to imprison and attempt to imprison this innocent whistle blower.   This is not new.   That is, the State of Florida has established a pattern of false arrest and harassment of whistle blowers using the Courts, other resources, and the powers of the State.   For example, the 10 July 2000 obviously false arrest and jailing of my son and subsequent harassment in the Courts has been documented in Brevard County Court Case #05-2000-MM-045580-AXXX-XX Judge Peter Haddad and Appeals Case #05-2000-AP-23879-AXXX-XX Judge John Moxley, and the denial of justice by the Florida Supreme Court Case Numbers SC00-2698 and SC01-749.   These matters began with the victim, Mr. Dana E. Brown, innocently riding a bicycle in the legal bicycle lane on the side of the roadway where he had ridden more than 1,000 times before.   The victim was then maliciously charged as a criminal for an alleged traffic infraction which if true would have amounted to a $15.00 traffic fine.   Instead, like myself, this victim was also caused to defend himself over months in the Courts to avoid being falsely imprisoned for up to a year.   Again, when irrefutable evidence and laws were documented in the Court records the State eventually nolle prosed.

Earlier, because my son had been assisting me, his driver's license and right to own a motor vehicle had been falsely taken from him by actions of both Judges Harry Stein and Peter Haddad.   Whereas, these actions evolved from an accident on 31 October 1989 which, if anyone examined matters, it is very obvious that one party ran a red light, entered an intersection without looking nor allowing a vehicle already in the intersection to safely clear the intersection, and thereby caused an accident, destroying the victim's vehicle, and initiating the subsequent unjust Court actions on behalf of the State of Florida.

Another person who had been helping this whistle blower was given a summons o/a 7 pm on Saturday night for a "trial" commencing the following Monday at about 1:30 pm ... barely 5½ working hours to prepare.   Thus, the illegal and unjust practices ongoing in the State of Florida in the service of International Organized Crime are abominable yet are openly and freely practiced by authorities in the State of Florida.

Details of corruption by the State of Florida harassing this whistle blower and those who have helped him could go on and on and on including how one individual was set up, framed, and enticed to do what he normally would not have done.   Yet, the agents were well aware of what they were doing.   Thus, that victim was caused to serve about 13 months in prison without ever having effective bonafide legal assistance.


    1. The immediate restitution of the property at

      344 Barrello Lane
      Cocoa Beach, Florida

      into the clear and unclouded possession of this bonafide owner, George Desmond Brown.   The said property is to be restored into first class condition.

    2. The payment to this victim by the State of Florida of a billion dollars a year or portion thereof with the count commencing 1 May 1970 until the aforecited property described in one above is accepted in first class condition by this victim.   The subject monies shall be tax-free or any taxation shall be added to the principle.
    3. The payment of eleven million dollars to this whistle blower for matters described in item 4 of the above summary.   The subject monies shall be tax-free or any taxation shall be added to the principle.
    4. The restoration without blemish of Mr. Dana E. Brown's Florida Driver's License with all suspensions removed and tickets erased along with a new customized Lincoln SUV. The latter shall also be tax-free.


This whistle blower over the years has experienced a unique informative education in the Scriptures beginning many years before ever opening a Bible initially in 1978.   Thereafter, the Scriptures placed matters in focus even to include an extended visit to the Middle East in 1984-85 where matters evolved pursuant to Scripture and to strange "soap opera" night after night dreams in 1982.   The purpose of the visit was to search out the hiding place of GOD'S Holy Ark which was then promptly taken captive by the occupation forces by their guns, threats, and failure to cooperate (Zechariah 5:4).   The site found was as in the dreams complete with the myriad elements described in Scripture.   At that time, among other matters, it was realized that two Holy Arks await recovery in these evolving days (Ezekiel 12:3-12; II Maccabees 2:4-8; Jeremiah 43:8-10; Isaiah 40:5; Leviticus 26:11-12; Zechariah 2:5-13; etc.).   Furthermore, a broad assemblage of Scripture explained details of Biblical history and prophecy with emphasis on these latter days focusing on the assemblage of The Firstfruits.

Why me is a good question that I can't answer.   I seek no following, have no special powers, etc.   But I can write a book regarding very, very strange experiences beginning as a farm kid who never did school homework outside of school and missed more than 180 days in the last 4 years through high school yet graduated from the US Naval Academy while more than 37 percent of the initial class didn't make it to graduation.

Few really consider the expression, "What in Hell is going on?"   Actually, GOD is described as having both a Left and a Right (Psalm 110:1-2; 28:5; Isaiah 5:12; Job 23:9; I Kings 22:19-23; II Chronicles 18:18-22).   And the Left is "Hell" and His Right is "Heaven."   Thus, when people enter the Eternal Kingdom under the Right, they enter Heaven (i.e. Heaven on earth) where unbelievable blessings have been promised (Zephaniah 3:14-20; Isaiah 4:2-6; etc.).   Meanwhile, everyone else continues dwelling in "Hell" where conditions are to grow worse, far worse, as time progresses (Deuteronomy 28:1-14 versus 28:15-68).

Therefore, if I were to enter the Eternal Congregation as part of The Firstfruits, Scripture asserts that those who afflicted, oppressed, or helped others do said evil deeds shall pay even the last mite ... even "the utmost farthing" (Matthew 5:26; Luke 12:59; Deuteronomy 14:28).

Hence, it behooves the State of Florida to take initiative to settle matters with this victim rather than wait until GOD twists their arms.   Whereas, He promises to do so and it won't be fun.   Then all individuals involved shall pay up, maybe everything they own, in search of relief.   And as the State is a mirror of the actions of individuals, their peers will have joined them because by their silence they allowed evildoers to freely do as they pleased.


I, George Desmond Brown, do hereby certify that the forgoing material is true and correct to the best of my ability and conforms to the Rules of Appellate Procedure with regards to a citizen's lawful obligations under US and Florida Misprision Laws to notify some Judge; and, that copies of this document have been mailed or hand delivered to the following parties on 9 May 2003:

Governor Jeb Bush
Executive Office of the Governor

400 S. Monroe Street
The Capitol
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001

Florida Attorney General
Charlie Crist
The Capitol
402 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

State Prosecutor’s Office,
Attn:   Michelle Jackson
2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Building D
Viera, Florida 32940

Administrative Judge Special
Appellate Division

John Dean Moxley Jr. (2 copies)
Circuit Judge, 18th Judicial Circuit
Brevard County Courthouse
Titusville, Florida 32780

Certified Mail No.:
#7002 3150 0003 8062 9329

Chief Judge Bruce W. Jacobus
Judge David E. Silverman
Retired Judge John C. Adkins
Judge Cathleen B. Clarke
Judge John M. Harris
Scott Ellis Clerk Of Courts
    % Clerk Of Courts

P.O. Box 219
Titusville, FL 32781-0219


George Desmond Brown
P.O. Box 491
Cocoa, Florida 32923

Continue On To:


Prepared By
Father - Son Team
          George & Dana Brown
          P.O. Box 320932
          Cocoa Beach, Florida
          USA   32932-0932
          Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com

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